Share a #smileypancake with a ‘warm someone’ who brightens your day

Author: Dr. Malie Coyne

Mother Teresa wisely said; “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do”

Thinking of Mother Teresa and all the love and compassion she shared with the most vulnerable gives me a really warm feeling and brings a smile to my face. She was an amazing human being with such a presence about her. When she smiled she ignited a true sense of self-worth and dignity in those who may have felt they had little to smile about.

Another spiritual teacher shared:

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy” (Thich Nhat Hanh).

Smiling is contagious and lifts our mood as well as the moods of those around us. Each time you smile you throw a little “feel-good party” in your brain, which benefits your health and happiness.

Humans are a deeply social species whose most joyful and sad moments arise from the fulfilling or lack of “belonging” with close others. Our sense of joy, self-worth and belonging develops in our early relationships with our parents and family, which over time progresses to the close bonds we form with teachers, mentors, close friends, significant others, life partners, and for some our own children and grandchildren.

Whilst there is an alarming increase in mental ill health in Ireland and an urgency around how we are going to tackle the real pain faced by so many, we also need to focus on wellbeing and building emotional resilience, which is at the core of positive mental health.

Real People

I am not alone in saying this but what I really value most life is the sense of warmth and belonging I get from being in the company of “real” people, those special human beings in your life who make you feel good about yourself and the world. Being “real” is someone who can be genuine in the sharing of their vulnerabilities, which instantly puts me at ease.

Time spent with emotionally warm adults in whose company you feel safe and at ease can you give you a wonderful feeling of wellbeing. One of the best ways to lower stress levels and relax your body is to spend time with really genuine and warm people, those you can cry with and those that you can laugh with, in essence those that you can be FULLY YOU with.

Warm People

Being with warm people is the ultimate mood changer and the answer is found in your brain. A meeting of the minds or a good laugh with the right person can activate optimal levels of your “feel good” brain chemicals and drastically lower your stress levels, by relaxing your heart rate and blood pressure. The endorphins can act as a natural pain reliever, whilst the serotonin release can serve as an antidepressant or mood lifter without the side effects.

Pancake Tuesday

So in advance of #smileypancake day this Tuesday, make it a priority to surround yourself with warm people that brighten your day. Identify the people in your life who make you feel positive about yourself, those that you can share with, those that make you feel like life is worth is living. There may not be many, a handful is more than enough, what’s important is making the effort to spend time with them, in person if you can.

What better way than to get together with your “warm someone” next Tuesday, have some fun and dress your pancake with a smile? If you don’t feel like smiling that’s OK too, just dress your pancake with whatever you are feeling, as all feelings are normal and welcomed!

To get involved in the #smileypancake campaign, please follow this

About Malie: I am a Clinical Psychologist with many years experience working therapeutically with children, adults and families. I am a mum to two little divas who challenge and teach me things everyday…

For more of my articles and radio podcasts, you can follow me on Facebook (Dr. Malie Coyne) or Twitter (@maliecoyne) or on my website

M Theresa smile

This article was first published on Click here to view; Malie Coyne – Mental Health Ireland

Posted in Lifestyle.