Ready To Be Real – Síle Seoige’s podcast with Malie

I loved chatting to the gorgeous Síle Seoige for her "Ready to be Real" podcast ~ I met her at Soul Space this time last year and we instantly hit it off. In the uncertain times we live in, our conversation focused on the 3 elements of self-compassion, including acceptance and non-judgement of our difficult feelings, our common humanity in not being alone, and self-kindness, which has the power to soothe anxiety and calm our senses.


Two part podcast;

Part 1:

Part 2:

Magic Minds Podcast

One of the most authentic podcast interviews I've ever done with the amazing Matt Burke where I share how to compassionately parent ourselves and our children during COVID-19 and tough times generally. We really connected and shared some pretty deep stuff, from why I became a Psychologist, to the importance of attachment, to healing trauma, to managing children's big feelings, to my inspirational mentors, to my love of angel cards and to our deep passion for sharing knowledge and helping others.


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Social Fabric Podcast

What an experience to bare my soul on this podcast, from my childhood experience of anxiety, to what drew me to Psychology, to my parenting f*ck ups and repairs, to my upcoming book, to my deeply confused feelings about Michael Jackson after my amazing day spent in Neverland. I am all about being REAL in my work and in my life as I believe this is what connects us all.

Galway Volunteer Podcast

"Making a commitment to getting to know yourself within as a parent is one of the best gifts you can give your child. It literally changes the background music which plays when you respond to your child's need".

For more on this and my passion for infant mental health, Galway Parent Network, compassion-focused therapy, and my upcoming anxiety book, listen into my contribution to the Volunteer Galway podcast with the amazing Ruth Fagan.

Click to play podcast