When Friendships Break Down – RTE Today Show

We learn who we are through our relationships. Friendships are the key to long-term emotional and physical health. Humans are a deeply social species whose most joyful and sad moments arise from the fulfilling or lack of “belonging” with close others.
But what happens when a friendship breaks down? This can be experienced as a huge loss. You have lost someone dear to you.
That person who you used to be close with, is no longer in your life, or at least, not at this time.
It hurts. Really bad. If a romantic relationship you are in breaks down there’s a full stop and you generally get sympathy. But there’s none of that when friendships stop.
There’s no guidebook on how to manage. Here are some suggestions to help you to cope from my RTE Today segment:

When friendships break down...
We learn who we are through our relationships. Friendships are the key to long-term...

Posted by Dr. Malie Coyne on Saturday, May 26, 2018

Posted in Relationships.